How Feng Shui has helped me and others improve our lives.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Feng Shui on MSN

Feng Shui is gradually making it's way into the mainstream. I thought you might find these articles interesting.

Fast Food catching on:

How to energize your workspace:

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I found this quote floating around myspace, and my friend Shawn thought it would be nice to print and have on her desk, so I threw something together in photoshop. The first one is good for the Northwest with a metal frame, or any earth direction. The second is good for the north with a metal frame, or any direction with a water element (choose a frame from an enhancing element).



Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Levels of Consciousness

I'm currently studying the work of Dr. David Hawkins, and his map of consciousness. For those of you haven't seen it, he has used the science of Kinesiology to determine a scale of human consciousness. The scale is basically from 1-1000, with anything over 200 being positive, 500 being love, 540 unconditional love, 600 enlightened - and so on.

He teaches how to determine your consciousness level. It is easy to determine the consciousness level of any one person or of a group.

One thing I have noticed as I have worked with friends and their feng shui is that the changes are quicker for some people, and the magnitude is bigger for some people as well. True, some of us need less change than others.

However, I have 2 friends who are very close in what they need - both are looking for relationships and both need more success in the career area. Both had relatively good feng shui to begin with and did not require a lot of changes. They are seeing change happen at a much different pace and on a much different scale.

It occurred to me today that I should calibrate their consciousness level. Both are high - one at 487, and the other at 597. As a frame of reference, I am currently at 550. What I noticed is that the friend who is currently at 597 is having a much quicker response to her changes, and at a much greater magnitude. Her changes have been much quicker than mine as well.

I then started looking at others and their rate of change, and I'm beginning to see a correlation. It's not that feng shui helps some of us more than others, but it appears to work more quickly and with greater power for those who are at a higher consciousness level.

This concept is very exciting for me, because it provides the possibility of giving someone an idea of how quickly to expect major changes to start happening. With no value judgments placed on where a person is - only accepting the level at which they are operating - I may be able to determine if their life changes will start happening within 9 hours, 9 days, 9 weeks or 9 months. The beauty is that when the expectation is set, then there is no worrying about what isn't working - only waiting until the timeframe.

Of course, it will take some time to determine how this works. It will be exciting to see how the theory plays out.

Here's another thought: raising the level of consciousness can stimulate the Feng Shui process to work faster.

Yet another: Feng Shui can raise your level of consciousness. Using Dr. Hawkins' method, I can calibrate what my level was before I started my Feng Shui. It was 527, and is now 550. Dr. Hawkins states that a person typically only grows about 5 points in a lifetime, yet I have moved 23 points in the past 3 months.

If this doesn't make sense, take a look at Dr. Hawkins' work. It is fascinating material.

I'll leave you with that thought for the day. If this is confusing, just know that it might help me help you move your life forward. That's the important part!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Can Feng Shui make life better?

Can Feng Shui really make your life better? I believe it can. I've been studying the art of Feng Shui for some time now, and recently took a very intensive course on the subject. I have spent the last several months working on my personal feng shui, and helping my friends with theirs. The results have been truly amazing. True, some of the results have been more subtle than others, and some of them have taken longer to materialize, but the results are nonetheless remarkable.

I'm starting to receive requests from friends of friends to help them work on their Feng Shui. The changes are so simple to make and yet so impactful.

My intent of creating this blog is to share my story - of how Feng Shui has impacted my life, and how it is impacting the lives of my friends. As I continue to share what I have learned, I will share the stories here so you can learn them as well.

I will also share some resources for you so if you want to dig deeper you have the option.

Wishing you the best in your journey to improve your life.
