How Feng Shui has helped me and others improve our lives.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

With energy comes stillness

I had the most amazing experience this week. My best friend moved into a new place with a new roommate, and the energy in the place was terrible. I spent the evening with her, helping her hang photos and get settled - and of course we enhanced the feng shui throughout the space. The change in the energy in the space was amazing - not just from a Feng Shui perspective, but also from an interior decorator's perspective. When things are placed in the right places, it looks better too - but it FEELS soooo much better.

The space went from chaotic and somewhat cold to very warm and calm. After we finished, we sat down in the living room to talk. We had candles lit, and noticed the flames were not moving at all. The energy was so balanced in the room it was completely still. You could have heard, and felt a pin drop - in a good way. The peaceful stillness was so comforting I could have stayed there for hours.

Do you ever notice that sometimes a space just FEELS good? That's a good sign your Feng Shui is working for you - even if you don't know you are doing it.

If it doesn't feel good, well then know that you can do something about it. We totally transformed the entire place inside of 90 minutes - and we had to hang pictures, which was what took most of the time. Feng Shui doesn't have to be time consuming - but a few minutes of work can make a huge difference in your day.

So what are you waiting for?

If you aren't sure where to start - check out my 30 day post at the forum link to the left of this page.


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